mardi 26 mars 2013

Marshall Applewhite

Marshall Herff Applewhite Jr. (May 17, 1931 – March 1997; also known as Bo and Do among other names) was an American religious leader who founded what became known as the Heaven's Gate religious group and organized their mass suicide in 1997
In 1972, Applewhite met Bonnie Nettles, a nurse with an interest in theosophy and biblical prophecy. The two quickly became close friends; he later recalled that he felt like he had known her for a long time and concluded that they had met in a past life. She told him their meeting had been foretold to her by extraterrestrials, persuading him that he had a divine assignment.
By that time, he had begun to investigate alternatives to traditional Christian doctrine, including astrology. He also had had several visions, including one in which he was told that he was chosen for a role like that of Jesus. In her 2005 profile of Applewhite, Susan Raine speculates that he had a schizophrenic episode around this time.
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posits that the suicides began on March 22


les visions de 1972 remontent à l'arrivée de la période critique septennale des 42 ans.
le 22 mars - début supposé du suicide collectif des membres de sa secte - est la veille d'un jour doublement critique fort : jour critique physique P18 et jour critique émotionnel E1.

édit 26/03/2017 :
Les 21 et 27 mars 1997, Marshall Applewhite s'enregistre avec une caméra vidéo et évoque le suicide collectif en déclarant qu'il s'agit « du seul moyen d'évacuer la Terre »
(chaque fois à côté d'un jour critique intellectuel (qui est un jour critique du cerveau) :

mars 1997 (17/05/1931)
Ma 18
Me 19
Je 20 I(26)
Ve 21
Sa 22 P(17)
Di 23 P(18) E(1)
Lu 24 P(19)
Ma 25
Me 26
Je 27
Ve 28 I(1)
Sa 29 P(1)
Di 30 E(8)

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