samedi 10 juillet 2010

Karen Ann Quinlan

Wikipédia :
Karen Ann Quinlan (March 29, 1954 – June 11, 1985) was an important person in the history of the right to die controversy in the United States.
When she was 21, Quinlan became unconscious after coming home from a party. She had consumed diazepam, dextropropoxyphene, and alcohol. After she collapsed and stopped breathing twice for 15 minutes or more, the paramedics arrived and took Karen Ann to the hospital, where she lapsed into a persistent vegetative state.
In April 1975, shortly after she turned 21, Karen Quinlan left her parents' home and moved in with two roommates in a house a few miles away. Around the same time, she went on a radical diet, reportedly in order to fit into a dress that she had bought. She weighed 115 pounds (52 kilograms) when admitted to the hospital.

On April 15, 1975, a few days after moving into her new house, Quinlan attended a friend's birthday party at a local bar. She had eaten almost nothing for two days. At the party she reportedly drank a few gin and tonics and took Valium. Shortly afterwards she felt faint, and was quickly taken home and put to bed. When friends checked on her about fifteen minutes later they found she was not breathing.
She lived in a persistent vegetative state until her death from complications from pneumonia in 1985. Quinlan was buried at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in East Hanover, New Jersey.[2] The Quinlans, with author Phyllis Battelle, wrote a book about their legal battle titled Karen Ann, which was published in 1977.


le cas de Karen Ann Quinlan est intéressant... car nous y retrouvons tous les éléments que je recherche :

avril 1975 (29/03/1954)
Sa 12
Di 13
Lu 14 E(15)
Ma 15 P(6)
Me 16 P(7)

Je 17 I(1)
Ve 18
Sa 19

nous avons donc :
- lundi 14 jour critique émotionnel E15 (de dimanche soir à lundi soir)
- mardi 15 jour critique physique P6 (de lundi soir à mardi soir)
- pleine période critique septennale des 21 ans. (dans laquelle elle est entrée en novembre 1974)
- proximité date anniversaire

ce sont là quatre éléments que je vérifie toujours car ils sont à l'origine de possibles perturbations et incidents physiques et psychiques.
(p.ex. "régime alimentaire draconien", prise de médicaments et d'alcool, anorexie, idées suicidaires, etc...)

son décès :

juin 1985 (29/03/1954)
Sa 8
Di 9
Lu 10 P(12)E(1)
Ma 11

Me 12

Karen Ann Quinlan décède le lendemain d'un jour doublement critique P12 E1 (physique et émotionnel)

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