samedi 1 janvier 2011

Rose Kamper

Rose Kamper née Lecoq
6 décembre 1893 (23/06/1864)
Ve 1
Sa 2
Di 3
Lu 4
Ma 5
Me 6 P(18) I(1)
Je 7 E(8)
Ve 8
Sa 9

As for Rose Kamper? Ironically, Rose probably fared better than the man she shot. After her sentencing, she was housed in different hospitals before being sent to an "Institute for the Insane" in Villejuif, France. She was later moved to another asylum after she stabbed a nurse with a fork. Following Rose's escape from the asylum in 1910, police launched an intense manhunt due to fears over her violent history. Rose was eventually found by police living under her maiden name of Lecoq and working as a seamstress. Since she appeared relatively stable, her doctors allowed her to live in the community despite later readmissions to psychiatric hospitals. She eventually died in 1955 at the age of 92.


Rose Kamper est la femme qui a tiré sur Gilles de la Tourette. comme j'ai trouvé sa date de naissance il est intéressant de voir la situation de ses cycles à ce moment-là :
déjà elle a 29 ans et 5 mois, donc à côté de sa période critique septennale  des 28 ans... et c'est un jour doublement critique (P18 - i1) et la veille d'un critique émotionnel E8 qu'elle a commis son "attentat" sur Tourette...
(je pense que c'est E8 qui est à prendre en compte puisque c'est arrivée en soirée, peu après 18 heures)

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