jeudi 25 novembre 2010

James Pierpont

Wikipédia :
James Lord Pierpont (April 25, 1822 - August 5, 1893) was an American songwriter, arranger, organist, and composer, best known for writing and composing Jingle Bells in 1857, originally entitled "The One Horse Open Sleigh". He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and died in Winter Haven, Florida. His composition "Jingle Bells" has become synonymous with the Christmas holiday and is one of the most performed and most recognizable songs in the world.

"known for writing and composing Jingle Bells in 1857",
one of the most performed and most recognizable songs in the world.

eh oui... encore une oeuvre septennale ce cher Jingle Bells... James Pierpont l'aurait écrit et composé à l'âge de 35 ans...

son décès est arrivé la veille de son jour critique physique P1, à 71 ans et trois mois.

édit : je trouve un autre détail intéressant sur la page Wikipédia "Jingle Bells"


Plaque at 19 High Street, Medford, MA.James Lord Pierpont originally composed his most famous song in 1850. A plaque commemorating the "birthplace" of "Jingle Bells" adorns the side of a building in Medford, MA. Pierpont wrote the song there, at the former Simpson Tavern, now 19 High Street in the center of Medford Square. According to the Medford Historical Society, the song was inspired by the town's popular sleigh races during the 1800s.
"Jingle Bells" was originally copyrighted with the name "One Horse Open Sleigh" on September 16, 1857. It was reprinted in 1859 with the revised title of "Jingle Bells, or the One Horse Open Sleigh". The song's copyright status has since passed into public domain.


il faut donc éventuellement remonter à 1850 pour l'écriture de Jingle Bells et sa parution en 1857.

plutôt que la période critique septennale des 35 ans, ce serait alors celle des 28 ans qui serait la période inventive... :-)

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